(IVIG/SCIG) Dose Calculator

The dose calculator is a tool to be utilized when determining the adjusted body weight dose of IG (includes IVIG and SCIG). For further IG dosing and recommendation information refer to Ontario Immune Globulin Utilization Management (IGUM).

In Ontario, the dose calculator must be used for all obese patients (obese defined as patients with BMI >30[c] - see BMI Calculator) and should be used for calculating doses in all patients who meet the following criteria:

  • Height: 152.4cm or over, and
  • Weight: males over 50kg / females over 45.5kg
Patients not meeting either of these criteria then actual weight = dosing weight.

For pregnant patients: The pre-pregnancy weight should be used for the dose calculator (in addition to the above criteria). Exception is given for patients with Primary Immune Deficiency/Secondary Immune Deficiency where IG dose should be titrated based on IgG levels.

For pediatric patients: If less than 18 years of age and do not meet the dose calculator height and weight criteria described above, then actual weight = dosing weight.

This calculator determines the total dose of IG to be administered. To determine the weekly SCIG dose, divide the rounded dose by the number of weeks the dose is to be administered over.

Neither the IGUM (guidelines) nor the dose calculator is intended to replace sound clinical judgment concerning a patient's unique situation. Furthermore, although the advice and information contained in the IGUM (guidelines) and dose calculator is believed to be true and accurate at the time of going to press, neither the authors nor the publishers can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may have been made.

IG Dose Calculator


Dosing Weight[a,b]



IG Dose



Rounded Dose



(Rounded to Nearest 5g)

[a]Pai MP, Paloucek FP. The origin of the "ideal" body weight equations. Ann Pharmacother. 2000 Sep;34(9):1066-9.
Ideal Body Weight (IBW), Devine Formula is:
Ideal Body Weight (male) = 50.0 kg + 2.3 kg (each inch > 5 feet)
Ideal Body Weight (female) = 45.5 kg + 2.3 kg (each inch > 5 feet)
[b]Siegel J. Immunoglobulins and obesity. Pharmacy Practice News. 2010;37(1):8-9
Dosing Weight is an adjusted body weight (of obese or overweight patients) and should only be used to calculate the dose of drugs for which there are recommendations specifying that the actual body weight should be adjusted for use in the dose calculations.
Dosing Weight = IBW + [0.4 x (Actual - IBW)]
exception: if Actual < IBW, then Dosing Weight = Actual
[c]Health Canada. Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults. 2019-11-25. Canadian Guidelines for Body Weight Classification in Adults - Canada.ca. Accessed on October 10, 2024.