Measles, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP)

Infectious Diseases

RecommendationsIG (IM or IV) is recommended for those with contraindications to active measles immunization, including:
  • susceptible pregnant women;
  • infants aged <6 months; and
  • immunocompromised patients*.
Susceptible infants aged 6 to 12 months presenting more than 72 hours after measles exposure can also receive IG PEP.

*Consult the Public Health Ontario Measles: Post-exposure Prophylaxis for Contacts for more guidance.
Dose/Frequency of AdministrationPatients less than 30kg: Single dose of intramuscular IG 0.5 mL/kg actual body weight.

For patients weighing more than 30 kg or who cannot tolerate the intramuscular volume: IVIG should be provided at a single dose of 0.4 g/kg adjusted body weight (use actual body weight in pregnancy).