Including but not limited to:
- Recurrent pregnancy loss (RPL)
- Recurrent implantation failure (RIF)
Evolving Information
The following medical conditions have been brought forward as evolving, showing some benefit in limited explicit circumstances whereas historically recommendations have been Do Not Use. The decision to use IG or not use IG in this setting, should be on a case-by-case basis utilizing the following criteria and dosing recommendations adopted with permission from Quebec INESSS and McGill University Health Centre – Reproductive Centre. If clinical effectiveness has not been achieved, IG should be discontinued.
Order Number: O2-RPL and O3-RIF
Recommendations | Ontario acknowledges there is some evidence to support the use of IG in the very specific setting of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss and Recurrent Implantation Failure. The McGill criteria, as indicated below, must be met to be considered for IVIG or SCIG. The request must be received from a Reproductive Specialty Clinic/Physician for approval consideration. Qualifying Criteria Patients must fulfill ALL criteria in 1 and 4 with either medical condition in 2 or 3.
Dose/Frequency of Administration | RECURRENT PREGNANCY LOSS -The dose can be adjusted or repeated according to the individual clinical response. Before pregnancy: IVIG: 0.4-0.6 g/kg every 3 months for a maximum of 6 months SCIG: 0.1-0.2g/kg a week for a maximum of 6 months During pregnancy: IVIG: 0.4-0.6 g/kg a month up to the 20th week of pregnancy SCIG: 0.1-0.2g/kg a week up to 20th week of pregnancy Review Criteria:
REPEATED IMPLANTATION FAILURE IVIG: 0.4-0.6 g/kg once, 3 to 5 days before the embryo transfer No SCIG recommendations Process to obtain IG for RPL and RIF Reproductive clinic/prescriber contacts local Transfusion Medicine (TM) physician regarding approval, submitting McGill qualifying criteria to TM physician. If the TM physician approves, reproductive clinic faxes the MOH IG or SCIG request form using “OTHER” indication including order number, date and name of TM physician approval, to local TM laboratory and can contact patient support program if SCIG to be used. |